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Dubbo 3.1.5 and 3.2.0-beta.4 Official Release

On January 27, at the beginning of the New Year, Dubbo 3.1.5 and 3.2.0-beta.4 were officially released through voting. This article will introduce an overview of the changes in the release.

Dubbo 3.1.5 is the latest stable version of Dubbo 3, and we recommend all users upgrade to the latest stable version. Dubbo 3.2.0-beta.4 is the latest feature version of Dubbo 3, supporting new features such as Spring Boot 3, JDK 17, and service-grained thread pool isolation. We welcome everyone to try it out.

Dubbo 3.1.5


New Features

  • Dubbo QoS supports request logging for auditing
  • Supports timed retries after service mapping failures to reduce the impact of metadata center fluctuations
  • Supports health checks when initializing the Nacos Client, with retries allowed under certain limits if it fails, reducing stability issues due to Nacos performance
  • Supports a serialization class check mechanism, with log alert mode enabled by default


  • Fix the log level of the resource loader
  • Fix lazy loading of the Scope Model in the Dubbo configuration class to avoid triggering unintended default module initialization
  • Fix logic for obtaining ClassLoader in ReferenceConfig
  • Fix NPE issue when the Metadata Service retrieves the subscription service list
  • Fix issue with Metadata configuration override when integrating with Spring Cloud Rest mode
  • Fix potential deadlock issue during Spring lazy loading
  • Fix invalid logs for duplicated ports
  • Fix issue where Active Limit Filter is ineffective
  • Fix issue of invalid writing during Nacos CAS checks on service mapping
  • Fix single-node service not found issue during service publishing in Zookeeper registry for application-level service discovery
  • Fix high conflict rate issue due to unawaited conflicts after service mapping
  • Fix node update failure issue in application-level service discovery
  • Fix ineffective application-level configuration overrides
  • Fix issue with original Revision metadata being inaccessible after application-level address refresh
  • Fix issue where Zookeeper registry unsubscribes application-level service discovery and cannot resubscribe
  • Compatibility fix for Nacos consistency errors during frequent refreshes
  • Disable local cache switch for Nacos
  • Fix issue of ineffective uppercase Attachment transmission in Triple
  • Fix deserialization errors for specific classes in Triple processing
  • Fix unexpected exceptions thrown when Protobuf dependencies do not exist
  • Fix ineffective CountDown feature
  • Fix ClassLoader not switching during Triple deserialization


This release includes 5 commits related to the improvement of exception log FAQs. For more information on error code mechanisms, please refer to the official website Error Code Mechanism Introduction.

Code Optimization

This release includes 4 commits concerning code quality improvements.

Dependency Upgrades

  • Upgrade protobuf-java: 3.16.3 -> 3.18.3
  • Upgrade fastjson2: 2.0.21 -> 2.0.23


Dubbo thanks the following contributors for their contributions to this release: @win120a, @wuwen5, @AlbumenJ, @CrazyHZM, @EarthChen, @xieshouyu, @wxbty

New Contributors

  • @xieshouyu made the first contribution in PR #11177

Dubbo 3.2.0-beta.4


Note: The codebase of Dubbo 3.2.0-beta.4 is identical to Dubbo 3.1.5; therefore, all modifications included in Dubbo 3.1.5 are also present in Dubbo 3.2.0-beta.4. Repeated content will not be reiterated in subsequent explanations.

New Features

  • Support for bytebuddy as a dynamic proxy generation platform
  • Support for collecting timeout metrics for reporting
  • Improve metrics reporting application names
  • Improve metrics reporting metric prefixes
  • Support for reporting request failure metrics
  • Enhance xDS listening logic
  • Enhance xDS routing rule integration capabilities


  • Fix issue where Token requests are ineffective under Rest protocol
  • Fix configuration for GraalVM Native Image
  • Fix serialization issues for configuration classes
  • Fix invalid IPv6 address range checks
  • Fix abnormal situations that may occur when switching routing chains
  • Fix issue of cache file locks being deleted unexpectedly
  • Fix concurrency modification issues with Deployer Listener

Performance Optimization

  • Optimize usage of ConcurrentHashMap to avoid performance degradation under JDK 1.8

Code Optimization

This release includes 8 commits related to code quality improvements.

Dependency Upgrades

  • Upgrade protobuf-java: 3.18.3 -> 3.19.6
  • Upgrade cglib-nodep: 2.2 -> 2.2.2
  • Upgrade byte-buddy: 1.12.19 -> 1.12.22
  • Upgrade bouncycastle-bcprov_version: 1.69 -> 1.70
  • Upgrade 2.0 -> 2.1.1
  • Upgrade curator_version: 4.2.0 -> 4.3.0
  • Upgrade maven-plugin-plugin: 3.6.0 -> 3.7.1
  • Upgrade javax.el: 3.0.1-b08 -> 3.0.1-b12
  • Upgrade slf4j-api: 1.7.25 -> 1.7.36
  • Upgrade spring-boot-dependencies: 2.3.1.RELEASE -> 2.7.7
  • Upgrade maven-enforcer-plugin: 3.0.0-M3 -> 3.1.0
  • Upgrade javassist: 3.28.0-GA -> 3.29.2-GA
  • Upgrade spring-boot-maven-plugin: 2.1.4.RELEASE -> 2.7.7
  • Upgrade javax.el-api: 2.2.4 -> 2.2.5
  • Upgrade eureka.version: 1.9.12 -> 1.10.18
  • Upgrade jetty-maven-plugin: 9.4.38.v20210224 -> 9.4.50.v20221201
  • Upgrade jetty_version: 9.4.43.v20210629 -> 9.4.50.v20221201
  • Upgrade resteasy_version: 3.0.20.Final -> 3.15.3.Final


Dubbo thanks the following contributors for their contributions to this release: @aamingaa, @AlbumenJ, @CrazyHZM, @fomeiherz, @HHoflittlefish777, @icodening, @jojocodeX, @LXPWing, @MentosL, @mxsm, @schneiderlin, @sconvent, @ShenFeng312, @songxiaosheng, @TigerTurbo, @yuluo-yx, @zeusbee

New Contributors

  • @LXPWing made the first contribution in PR #11258
  • @HHoflittlefish777 made the first contribution in PR #11266
  • @sconvent made the first contribution in PR #11260
  • @yuluo-yx made the first contribution in PR #11291
  • @fomeiherz made the first contribution in PR #11295
  • @schneiderlin made the first contribution in PR #11324
  • @mxsm made the first contribution in PR #11326

Future Version Planning


The release planning for Dubbo versions and the formal announcement in “Focusing on Stability, Dubbo Release Planning Announced” is welcome for viewing.